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Open Positions

Bot ID

Id: 24238

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Manual position opening

Bot position list


Coin Price Date Age Entry price Position Rebuys Investment Quantity Increase % ATH % ATL % TP % StopLoss % Share
ONTUSDT 0.3692
3d 0.4537 LONG 0 19.96 USDT 44 ONT
(16.24 USDT)
-3.72 USDT
0.79 -19.42 -
ONTUSDT 0.3692
4d 0.4775 LONG 0 19.58 USDT 41 ONT
(15.14 USDT)
-4.44 USDT
1.86 -23.43 -
ONTUSDT 0.3692
4d 0.5029 LONG 0 19.61 USDT 39 ONT
(14.40 USDT)
-5.21 USDT
0.20 -27.30 -

Number of positions: 3
Investment: 59.15 USDT
Profit in open positions: -13.37 USDT

Return on investment (ROI%) for the currently selected bot

1 Day:
0.00% (0.00 USDT) with an average investment: 0.00 USDT

7 days:
1.18% (0.54 USDT) with an average investment: 45.86 USDT

30 days:
1.18% (0.54 USDT) with an average investment: 45.86 USDT
-27.98% (-12.83 USDT) with open positions with an average investment: 45.86 USDT

Return on investment (ROI%) for all your own bots

1 Day:
-0.08% (-0.02 USDT) with an average investment: 20.12 USDT

7 days:
0.81% (0.70 USDT) with an average investment: 85.92 USDT

30 days:
0.81% (0.70 USDT) with an average investment: 85.92 USDT
-23.96% (-20.59 USDT) with open positions with an average investment: 85.92 USDT

Exchange commission

1 Day:

7 days:
0.13 USDT

30 days:
0.13 USDT

PNL (realized)

1 Day: 0 USDT    (transactions: 0, accurate: 0 [0.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 0 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: 0 USDT)

7 days: 0.54 USDT    (transactions: 3, accurate: 3 [100.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 0.67 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: -0.13 USDT)

30 days: 0.54 USDT    (transactions: 3, accurate: 3 [100.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 0.67 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: -0.13 USDT)


1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

Accumulated percentages from transactions

1 Day:
0.00% (increase: 0.00%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: 0.00%, commission ratio to increases: 0.00%)

7 days:
2.76% (increase: 3.43%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: -0.67%, commission ratio to increases: 19.63%)

30 days:
2.76% (increase: 3.43%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: -0.67%, commission ratio to increases: 19.63%)


ONTUSDT - (3 days ago) 2024-04-24 02:03:01 (1.19%)
Period: 1 hours
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-04-24 00:03:06 (0.429199993610382 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-04-24 02:03:01 (0.434300005435944 USDT)
Quantity: 46 ONT (19.74 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.3692 USDT (-13.98%)
ATH: 0.443399995565414 USDT (3.31%)
ATL: 0.420700013637543 USDT (-1.98%)
Profit: 0.23 USDT (0.23 USDT)

ONTUSDT - (4 days ago) 2024-04-23 10:52:34 (1.17%)
Period: 1 hours
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-04-23 09:46:25 (0.47749999165535 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-04-23 10:52:34 (0.48309999704361 USDT)
Quantity: 41 ONT (19.58 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.3692 USDT (-22.68%)
ATH: 0.487399995326996 USDT (2.07%)
ATL: 0.47639998793602 USDT (-0.23%)
Profit: 0.23 USDT (0.23 USDT)

ONTUSDT - (4 days ago) 2024-04-23 07:46:00 (1.07%)
Period: 2 hours
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-04-23 05:00:33 (0.47639998793602 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-04-23 07:46:00 (0.481499999761581 USDT)
Quantity: 41 ONT (19.53 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.3692 USDT (-22.50%)
ATH: 0.48879998922348 USDT (2.60%)
ATL: 0.467900007963181 USDT (-1.78%)
Profit: 0.21 USDT (0.21 USDT)

PNL Chart (realized)

1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

Statistics reset