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Open Positions

Bot ID

Id: 27829

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Coin Price Date Age Entry price Position Rebuys Investment Quantity Increase % ATH % ATL % TP % StopLoss % Share

Number of positions: 0
Investment: 0 USDT
Profit in open positions: 0 USDT

Return on investment (ROI%) for the currently selected bot

1 Day:
0.00% (0.00 USDT) with an average investment: 0.00 USDT

7 days:
5.11% (19.46 USDT) with an average investment: 380.44 USDT

30 days:
22.50% (29.77 USDT) with an average investment: 132.32 USDT

Return on investment (ROI%) for all your own bots

1 Day:
0.00% (0.00 USDT) with an average investment: 0.00 USDT

7 days:
4.49% (75.71 USDT) with an average investment: 1684.86 USDT

30 days:
13.10% (133.80 USDT) with an average investment: 1021.06 USDT

Exchange commission

1 Day:

7 days:
0.94 USDT

30 days:
1.94 USDT

PNL (realized)

1 Day: 0 USDT    (transactions: 0, accurate: 0 [0.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 0 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: 0 USDT)

7 days: 19.46 USDT    (transactions: 1, accurate: 1 [100.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 20.40 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: -0.94 USDT)

30 days: 29.77 USDT    (transactions: 27, accurate: 27 [100.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 31.71 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: -1.94 USDT)


1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

Accumulated percentages from transactions

1 Day:
0.00% (increase: 0.00%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: 0.00%, commission ratio to increases: 0.00%)

7 days:
1.64% (increase: 1.91%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: -0.27%, commission ratio to increases: 14.08%)

30 days:
40.29% (increase: 43.71%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: -3.42%, commission ratio to increases: 7.82%)


CKBUSDT - (6 hours ago) 2024-09-16 14:22:04 (0%)
Period: 1 days
Lever: 20x
Position: SHORT
Entry Price: 2024-09-15 08:07:15 (0.015613020397723 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-09-16 14:22:04 (0.015613020397723 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.015492 USDT (0.78%)
ATH: 0 USDT (100.00%)
ATL: 0 USDT (100.00%)
Profit: 0 USDT (0 USDT)
Transaction removed from the bot

BNXUSDT - (3 days ago) 2024-09-13 11:06:44 (1.96%)
Period: 6 days
Lever: 20x
Position: SHORT
Entry Price: 2024-09-07 07:01:22 (1.50022172927856 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-09-13 11:06:44 (1.4708000421524 USDT)
Quantity: 693.200012207031 BNX (1039.95 USDT)
Actual Price: 1.4298 USDT (4.69%)
ATH: 1.453129529953 USDT (3.14%)
ATL: 1.68858063220978 USDT (-12.56%)
Profit: 20.40 USDT (20.40 USDT)

1000RATSUSDT - (8 days ago) 2024-09-08 18:40:27 (1.70%)
Period: 1 days
Lever: 20x
Position: SHORT
Entry Price: 2024-09-07 15:15:14 (0.10033518075943 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-09-08 18:40:27 (0.098630003631115 USDT)
Quantity: 676 1000RATS (67.83 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.0862 USDT (14.09%)
ATH: 0.097439989447594 USDT (2.89%)
ATL: 0.105279922485352 USDT (-4.93%)
Profit: 1.15 USDT (1.15 USDT)

BIGTIMEUSDT - (9 days ago) 2024-09-07 14:27:15 (2.64%)
Period: 1 hours
Lever: 20x
Position: SHORT
Entry Price: 2024-09-07 12:35:44 (0.083200000226498 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-09-07 14:27:15 (0.081000000238419 USDT)
Quantity: 263 BIGTIME (21.88 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.11661028 USDT (-40.16%)
ATH: 0.079905718564987 USDT (3.96%)
ATL: 0.08416873216629 USDT (-1.16%)
Profit: 0.58 USDT (0.58 USDT)

BLURUSDT - (9 days ago) 2024-09-07 12:08:06 (0.54%)
Period: 2 hours
Lever: 20x
Position: SHORT
Entry Price: 2024-09-07 09:33:19 (0.167600005865097 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-09-07 12:08:06 (0.166700005531311 USDT)
Quantity: 131 BLUR (21.96 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.16779691 USDT (-0.12%)
ATH: 0.164804503321648 USDT (1.67%)
ATL: 0.169188901782036 USDT (-0.95%)
Profit: 0.12 USDT (0.12 USDT)

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PNL Chart (realized)

1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

Statistics reset