5 last transactions (profit does not include commission) (more information on the Transactions tab)
ATOMUSDT - (17 days ago) 2024-12-26 09:06:18 (-4.38%)
Period: 17 hours
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-12-25 15:25:39 (6.97800016403198 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-12-26 09:06:18 (6.67236423492432 USDT)
Quantity: 28.6300010681152 ATOM (199.78 USDT)
Actual Price: 6.372 USDT (-8.68%)
ATH: 7.01800012588501 USDT (0.57%)
ATL: 6.62200021743774 USDT (-5.10%)
Profit: -8.75 USDT
(-8.75 USDT)BTCUSDT - (17 days ago) 2024-12-26 08:59:25
(0%)Period: 15 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-12-26 08:44:06 (97945.21875 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-12-26 08:59:25 (97945.21875 USDT)
Actual Price: 94245.86 USDT (-3.78%)
ATH: 0 USDT (-100.00%)
ATL: 0 USDT (-100.00%)
Profit: 0 USDT
(0 USDT)Transaction removed from the botSKLUSDT - (18 days ago) 2024-12-25 21:13:05
(0%)Period: 0 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-12-25 21:13:00 (0.052420001477003 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-12-25 21:13:05 (0.052420001477003 USDT)
Quantity: 1905 SKL (99.86 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.04202 USDT (-19.84%)
ATH: 0.052439998835325 USDT (0.04%)
ATL: 0.052420001477003 USDT (0.00%)
Profit: 0 USDT
(0 USDT)AVAXUSDT - (18 days ago) 2024-12-25 21:05:50
(0%)Period: 0 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-12-25 21:05:47 (40.7200012207031 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-12-25 21:05:50 (40.7200012207031 USDT)
Quantity: 2.44000005722046 AVAX (99.36 USDT)
Actual Price: 35.32 USDT (-13.26%)
ATH: 40.7299995422363 USDT (0.02%)
ATL: 40.7200012207031 USDT (0.00%)
Profit: 0 USDT
(0 USDT)LTCUSDT - (18 days ago) 2024-12-25 20:52:05
(0%)Period: 27 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-12-25 20:24:10 (109.430000305176 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-12-25 20:52:05 (109.430000305176 USDT)
Actual Price: 99.86 USDT (-8.75%)
ATH: 0 USDT (-100.00%)
ATL: 0 USDT (-100.00%)
Profit: 0 USDT
(0 USDT)Transaction removed from the botSee more transactions ...