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Open Positions

Bot ID

Id: 24399

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Bot position list


Coin Price Date Age Entry price Position Rebuys Investment Quantity Increase % ATH % ATL % TP % StopLoss % Share
XRPUSDC 2.4606
8h 2.4956 LONG 0 67.38 USDC 27 XRP
(66.44 USDC)
-0.95 USDC
1.25 -1.87 TP2: 2.00
(1.35 USDC)
98076.4027586207 LONG 5 256 USDC 0.00261 BTC
(253.18 USDC)
-1.10 (-1.31)
-2.82 USDC
0.43 -1.34 TP1: 1.00
(2.56 USDC)
ETHUSDC 2657.57
2944.68735802469 LONG 10 238.53 USDC 0.081 ETH
(215.27 USDC)
-9.75 (-1.54)
-23.26 USDC
-7.46 -10.40 TP1: 1.00
(2.39 USDC)
XLMUSDC 0.3308
0.367926631853786 LONG 14 281.81 USDC 766 XLM
(253.38 USDC)
-10.09 (1.50)
-28.44 USDC
-7.89 -11.78 TP1: 1.00
(2.82 USDC)
HBARUSDC 0.23645
0.278354218289086 LONG 16 283.10 USDC 1017 HBAR
(240.48 USDC)
-15.05 (-2.86)
-42.62 USDC
-10.64 -15.55 TP: 2.00
(5.66 USDC)
SOLUSDC 199.37
226.905507060334 LONG 19 353.55 USDC 1.558 SOL
(310.65 USDC)
-12.14 (-2.53)
-42.90 USDC
-9.11 -12.49 TP: 2.00
(7.07 USDC)
BNBUSDC 636.92
660.009739336493 LONG 11 278.54 USDC 0.422 BNB
(268.79 USDC)
-3.50 (-0.14)
-9.74 USDC
-2.15 -4.37 TP: 3.00
(8.36 USDC)

Number of positions: 7
Investment: 1758.92 USDC
Profit in open positions: -150.72 USDC

Return on investment (ROI%) for the currently selected bot

1 Day:
0.00% (-0.01 USDC) with an average investment: 1541.57 USDC

7 days:
0.23% (3.17 USDC) with an average investment: 1386.80 USDC

30 days:
3.40% (19.66 USDC) with an average investment: 578.83 USDC

Return on investment (ROI%) for all your own bots

1 Day:
0.25% (7.17 USDC) with an average investment: 2865.40 USDC

7 days:
0.66% (31.43 USDC) with an average investment: 4750.74 USDC

30 days:
4.27% (139.21 USDC) with an average investment: 3259.32 USDC

Exchange commission

1 Day:
0.34 USDC

7 days:
0.97 USDC

30 days:
4.62 USDC

PNL (realized)

1 Day: -0.01 USDC    (transactions: 1, accurate: 1 [100.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 0.33 USDC, loss: 0 USDC, commission: -0.34 USDC)

7 days: 3.17 USDC    (transactions: 7, accurate: 7 [100.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 4.14 USDC, loss: 0 USDC, commission: -0.97 USDC)

30 days: 19.66 USDC    (transactions: 51, accurate: 51 [100.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 24.28 USDC, loss: 0 USDC, commission: -4.62 USDC)


1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

Accumulated percentages from transactions

1 Day:
-0.53% (increase: 0.33%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: -0.86%, commission ratio to increases: 100.00%)

7 days:
3.49% (increase: 6.95%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: -3.45%, commission ratio to increases: 49.73%)

30 days:
46.30% (increase: 67.60%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: -21.29%, commission ratio to increases: 31.50%)


XRPUSDC - (7 hours ago) 2025-02-11 07:49:22 (1%)
Period: 1 hours
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2025-02-11 06:36:30 (2.49559998512268 USDC)
Close Price: 2025-02-11 07:49:22 (2.52060008049011 USDC)
Quantity: 13 XRP (32.44 USDC)
Actual Price: 2.4606 USDC (-1.40%)
ATH: 2.51979994773865 USDC (0.97%)
ATL: 2.49160003662109 USDC (-0.16%)
Profit: 0.33 USDC (0.33 USDC)

BTCUSDC - (1 days ago) 2025-02-10 15:11:51 (0.86%)
Period: 7 hours
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2025-02-10 07:12:08 (97036.9921875 USDC)
Close Price: 2025-02-10 15:11:51 (97871.7890625 USDC)
Quantity: 0.001530000008643 BTC (148.47 USDC)
Actual Price: 96996 USDC (-0.04%)
ATH: 98346.53125 USDC (1.35%)
ATL: 97119.34375 USDC (0.08%)
Profit: 1.28 USDC (1.28 USDC)

BTCUSDC - (1 days ago) 2025-02-10 07:10:07 (0.87%)
Period: 9 hours
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2025-02-09 21:12:38 (96190 USDC)
Close Price: 2025-02-10 07:10:07 (97028.3125 USDC)
Quantity: 0.000570000032894 BTC (54.83 USDC)
Actual Price: 96996 USDC (0.84%)
ATH: 97610.9921875 USDC (1.48%)
ATL: 94773.5078125 USDC (-1.47%)
Profit: 0.48 USDC (0.48 USDC)

XRPUSDC - (3 days ago) 2025-02-08 02:19:31 (0.78%)
Period: 5 hours
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2025-02-07 21:04:24 (2.38050007820129 USDC)
Close Price: 2025-02-08 02:19:31 (2.39896893501282 USDC)
Quantity: 16 XRP (38.09 USDC)
Actual Price: 2.4606 USDC (3.36%)
ATH: 2.42639994621277 USDC (1.93%)
ATL: 2.34940004348755 USDC (-1.31%)
Profit: 0.30 USDC (0.30 USDC)

XRPUSDC - (3 days ago) 2025-02-07 19:46:09 (1.60%)
Period: 3 hours
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2025-02-07 16:14:08 (2.44304275512695 USDC)
Close Price: 2025-02-07 19:46:09 (2.4821937084198 USDC)
Quantity: 16 XRP (39.09 USDC)
Actual Price: 2.4606 USDC (0.72%)
ATH: 2.5058000087738 USDC (2.57%)
ATL: 2.41840004920959 USDC (-1.01%)
Profit: 0.63 USDC (0.63 USDC)

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PNL Chart (realized)

1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

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