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Open Positions

Bot ID

Id: 24329

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Manual position opening

Bot position list


Coin Price Date Age Entry price Position Rebuys Investment Quantity Increase % ATH % ATL % TP % StopLoss % Share
39m 98.75 LONG 0 0 USDT 0.30379746835443 LTC
(0 USDT)
0.01 USDT
0.61 -0.07 TP: 5.00
(1.50 USDT)
Insufficient balance (OPEN)

9d 111.93 LONG 0 14.89 USDT 0.133 LTC
(13.14 USDT)
-1.75 USDT
4.60 -13.03 TP: 5.00
(0.74 USDT)

Number of positions: 2
Investment: 14.89 USDT
Profit in open positions: -1.74 USDT

Return on investment (ROI%) for the currently selected bot

1 Day:
0.00% (0.00 USDT) with an average investment: 0.00 USDT

7 days:
0.00% (0.00 USDT) with an average investment: 0.00 USDT

30 days:
13.92% (3.32 USDT) with an average investment: 23.89 USDT

Return on investment (ROI%) for all your own bots

1 Day:
0.00% (0.00 USDT) with an average investment: 0.00 USDT

7 days:
0.09% (0.46 USDT) with an average investment: 522.80 USDT

30 days:
4.31% (91.76 USDT) with an average investment: 2128.59 USDT

Exchange commission

1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:
0.15 USDT

PNL (realized)

1 Day: 0 USDT    (transactions: 0, accurate: 0 [0.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 0 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: 0 USDT)

7 days: 0 USDT    (transactions: 0, accurate: 0 [0.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 0 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: 0 USDT)

30 days: 3.32 USDT    (transactions: 4, accurate: 3 [75.00%], lossy: 1 [25.00%])
(profit: 3.47 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: -0.15 USDT)


1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

Accumulated percentages from transactions

1 Day:
0.00% (increase: 0.00%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: 0.00%, commission ratio to increases: 0.00%)

7 days:
0.00% (increase: 0.00%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: 0.00%, commission ratio to increases: 0.00%)

30 days:
16.47% (increase: 17.25%, decrease: -0.01%, commission: -0.78%, commission ratio to increases: 4.50%)


LTCUSDT - (9 days ago) 2025-01-03 20:45:36 (6.01%)
Period: 10 days
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-12-23 23:32:01 (107.050003051758 USDT)
Close Price: 2025-01-03 20:45:36 (113.480003356934 USDT)
Quantity: 0.140000000596046 LTC (14.99 USDT)
Actual Price: 98.79 USDT (-7.72%)
ATH: 113.410003662109 USDT (5.94%)
ATL: 96.9000015258789 USDT (-9.48%)
Profit: 0.90 USDT (0.90 USDT)

LTCUSDT - (12 days ago) 2025-01-01 02:37:09 (6%)
Period: 3 days
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-12-28 12:21:33 (99.4599990844727 USDT)
Close Price: 2025-01-01 02:37:09 (105.430000305176 USDT)
Quantity: 0.300000011920929 LTC (29.84 USDT)
Actual Price: 98.79 USDT (-0.67%)
ATH: 105.290000915527 USDT (5.86%)
ATL: 96.9000015258789 USDT (-2.57%)
Profit: 1.79 USDT (1.79 USDT)

LTCUSDT - (15 days ago) 2024-12-28 12:21:31 (-0.01%)
Period: 4 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-12-28 12:17:01 (99.4499969482422 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-12-28 12:21:31 (99.4400024414063 USDT)
Quantity: 0.149000003933907 LTC (14.82 USDT)
Actual Price: 98.79 USDT (-0.66%)
ATH: 99.50 USDT (0.05%)
ATL: 99.3099975585938 USDT (-0.14%)
Profit: 0 USDT (0 USDT)

LTCUSDT - (15 days ago) 2024-12-28 12:16:59 (0%)
Period: 53 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-12-28 11:23:39 (99.3499984741211 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-12-28 12:16:59 (99.3499984741211 USDT)
Actual Price: 98.79 USDT (-0.56%)
ATH: 0 USDT (-100.00%)
ATL: 0 USDT (-100.00%)
Profit: 0 USDT (0 USDT)
Transaction removed from the bot

LTCUSDT - (20 days ago) 2024-12-23 23:31:59 (5.24%)
Period: 1 days
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-12-22 19:43:34 (101.690002441406 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-12-23 23:31:59 (107.019996643066 USDT)
Quantity: 0.146999999880791 LTC (14.95 USDT)
Actual Price: 98.79 USDT (-2.85%)
ATH: 107.660003662109 USDT (5.87%)
ATL: 97.5400009155273 USDT (-4.08%)
Profit: 0.78 USDT (0.78 USDT)

See more transactions ...

PNL Chart (realized)

1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

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