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Open Positions

Bot ID

Id: 23582

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Manual position opening

Bot position list


Coin Price Date Age Entry price Position Rebuys Investment Quantity Increase % ATH % ATL % TP % StopLoss % Share
1.75725945470536 LONG 1 199.80 USDT 113.70 DYM
(195.34 USDT)
-2.23 (5.85)
-4.46 USDT
-0.93 -14.47 TP1: 0.50
(1 USDT)

Number of positions: 1
Investment: 199.80 USDT
Profit in open positions: -4.46 USDT

Return on investment (ROI%) for the currently selected bot

1 Day:
0.00% (0.65 USDT) with an average investment: 0.00 USDT

7 days:
3.15% (27.28 USDT) with an average investment: 866.21 USDT

30 days:
2.97% (60.01 USDT) with an average investment: 2018.79 USDT
2.76% (55.66 USDT) with open positions with an average investment: 2018.79 USDT

Return on investment (ROI%) for all your own bots

1 Day:
0.62% (4.37 USDT) with an average investment: 699.51 USDT

7 days:
0.97% (61.75 USDT) with an average investment: 6384.00 USDT

30 days:
-8.26% (-564.69 USDT) with an average investment: 6835.55 USDT
-10.57% (-722.60 USDT) with open positions with an average investment: 6835.55 USDT

Exchange commission

1 Day:
0.15 USDT

7 days:
11.50 USDT

30 days:
22.92 USDT

PNL (realized)

1 Day: 0.65 USDT    (transactions: 1, accurate: 1 [100.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 0.80 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: -0.15 USDT)

7 days: 27.28 USDT    (transactions: 63, accurate: 63 [100.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 38.77 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: -11.50 USDT)

30 days: 60.01 USDT    (transactions: 125, accurate: 124 [99.20%], lossy: 1 [0.80%])
(profit: 82.99 USDT, loss: -0.06 USDT, commission: -22.92 USDT)


1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

Accumulated percentages from transactions

1 Day:
0.25% (increase: 0.40%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: -0.15%, commission ratio to increases: 37.36%)

7 days:
14.54% (increase: 31.72%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: -17.19%, commission ratio to increases: 54.18%)

30 days:
33.60% (increase: 70.15%, decrease: -0.06%, commission: -36.49%, commission ratio to increases: 52.06%)


NKNUSDT - (12 hours ago) 2024-07-26 15:59:15 (0.40%)
Period: 3 days
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-07-22 16:04:17 (0.077409364283085 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-07-26 15:59:15 (0.077719993889332 USDT)
Quantity: 2585 NKN (200.10 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.0786 USDT (1.54%)
ATH: 0.077799998223782 USDT (0.50%)
ATL: 0.07320000231266 USDT (-5.44%)
Profit: 0.80 USDT (0.80 USDT)

AGLDUSDT - (1 days ago) 2024-07-26 02:19:02 (0.16%)
Period: 2 days
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-07-23 17:41:53 (0.929554581642151 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-07-26 02:19:02 (0.930998623371124 USDT)
Quantity: 215.300003051758 AGLD (200.13 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.97 USDT (4.35%)
ATH: 0.935999989509583 USDT (0.69%)
ATL: 0.897000014781952 USDT (-3.50%)
Profit: 0.31 USDT (0.31 USDT)

ETHUSDT - (1 days ago) 2024-07-25 23:28:03 (0.29%)
Period: 8 hours
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-07-25 14:31:33 (3177.90991210938 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-07-25 23:28:03 (3187.25927734375 USDT)
Quantity: 0.031399998813868 ETH (99.79 USDT)
Actual Price: 3253.66 USDT (2.38%)
ATH: 3198.48999023438 USDT (0.65%)
ATL: 3088.38989257813 USDT (-2.82%)
Profit: 0.29 USDT (0.29 USDT)

LINAUSDT - (1 days ago) 2024-07-25 21:21:27 (0.47%)
Period: 20 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-07-25 21:00:47 (0.005166000220925 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-07-25 21:21:27 (0.005190398544073 USDT)
Quantity: 19364 LINA (100.03 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.005618 USDT (8.75%)
ATH: 0.005214999895543 USDT (0.95%)
ATL: 0.005119999870658 USDT (-0.89%)
Profit: 0.47 USDT (0.47 USDT)

JOEUSDT - (1 days ago) 2024-07-25 18:37:21 (0.67%)
Period: 16 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-07-25 18:20:22 (0.354200005531311 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-07-25 18:37:21 (0.356559008359909 USDT)
Quantity: 282.240020751953 JOE (99.97 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.3874 USDT (9.37%)
ATH: 0.358599990606308 USDT (1.24%)
ATL: 0.354200005531311 USDT (0.00%)
Profit: 0.67 USDT (0.67 USDT)

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PNL Chart (realized)

1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

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