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Open Positions

Bot ID

Id: 23581

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Manual position opening

Bot position list


Coin Price Date Age Entry price Position Rebuys Investment Quantity Increase % ATH % ATL % TP % StopLoss % Share
MDXUSDT 0.06085
3d 0.06834 LONG 0 249.71 USDT 3653.90 MDX
(222.34 USDT)
-27.37 USDT
0.18 -13.56 TP1: 0.75
(1.87 USDT)
3.61082080924856 LONG 1 499.74 USDT 138.40 JTO
(435.82 USDT)
-12.79 (-6.28)
-63.92 USDT
-6.23 -18.66 TP1: 0.75
(3.75 USDT)
0.030343913106814 LONG 1 499.93 USDT 16475.40 VITE
(405.29 USDT)
-18.93 (-15.93)
-94.63 USDT
-2.48 -31.16 TP1: 0.75
(3.75 USDT)
0.166226339419336 LONG 1 499.83 USDT 3006.90 RARE
(343.99 USDT)
-31.18 (-28.99)
-155.84 USDT
-2.84 -34.07 TP1: 0.75
(3.75 USDT)
AGIXUSDT 0.89091
1.25255613065327 LONG 2 747.78 USDT 597 AGIX
(531.87 USDT)
-28.87 (-18.51)
-215.90 USDT
-6.78 -50.48 TP1: 0.75
(5.61 USDT)

Number of positions: 5
Investment: 2496.98 USDT
Profit in open positions: -557.66 USDT

Return on investment (ROI%) for the currently selected bot

1 Day:
0.00% (0.00 USDT) with an average investment: 0.00 USDT

7 days:
0.48% (10.97 USDT) with an average investment: 2272.61 USDT

30 days:
7.53% (144.18 USDT) with an average investment: 1915.55 USDT
-10.31% (-197.57 USDT) with open positions with an average investment: 1915.55 USDT

Return on investment (ROI%) for all your own bots

1 Day:
0.00% (0.00 USDT) with an average investment: 0.00 USDT

7 days:
0.59% (24.89 USDT) with an average investment: 4217.95 USDT

30 days:
8.21% (293.63 USDT) with an average investment: 3575.78 USDT
-9.44% (-337.68 USDT) with open positions with an average investment: 3575.78 USDT

Exchange commission

1 Day:

7 days:
5.81 USDT

30 days:
70.66 USDT

PNL (realized)

1 Day: 0 USDT    (transactions: 0, accurate: 0 [0.00%], lossy: 0 [0.00%])
(profit: 0 USDT, loss: 0 USDT, commission: 0 USDT)

7 days: 10.97 USDT    (transactions: 14, accurate: 13 [92.86%], lossy: 1 [7.14%])
(profit: 17.40 USDT, loss: -0.62 USDT, commission: -5.81 USDT)

30 days: 144.18 USDT    (transactions: 161, accurate: 153 [95.03%], lossy: 8 [4.97%])
(profit: 219.75 USDT, loss: -4.91 USDT, commission: -70.66 USDT)


1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

Accumulated percentages from transactions

1 Day:
0.00% (increase: 0.00%, decrease: 0.00%, commission: 0.00%, commission ratio to increases: 0.00%)

7 days:
3.49% (increase: 6.96%, decrease: -0.25%, commission: -3.22%, commission ratio to increases: 48.00%)

30 days:
39.43% (increase: 77.54%, decrease: -1.96%, commission: -36.14%, commission ratio to increases: 47.82%)


CLVUSDT - (4 days ago) 2024-04-24 01:39:29 (0.24%)
Period: 26 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-04-24 01:13:09 (0.089149996638298 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-04-24 01:39:29 (0.089368082582951 USDT)
Quantity: 2806.39990234375 CLV (250.19 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.07976 USDT (-10.53%)
ATH: 0.089630000293255 USDT (0.54%)
ATL: 0.08899000287056 USDT (-0.18%)
Profit: 0.61 USDT (0.61 USDT)

ARKMUSDT - (5 days ago) 2024-04-23 10:28:56 (0.40%)
Period: 10 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-04-23 10:18:41 (2.28369998931885 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-04-23 10:28:56 (2.29292559623718 USDT)
Quantity: 109 ARKM (248.92 USDT)
Actual Price: 2.1076 USDT (-7.71%)
ATH: 2.30270004272461 USDT (0.83%)
ATL: 2.27819991111755 USDT (-0.24%)
Profit: 1.01 USDT (1.01 USDT)

PSGUSDT - (5 days ago) 2024-04-23 10:18:44 (-0.25%)
Period: 0 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-04-23 10:18:38 (5.57399988174438 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-04-23 10:18:44 (5.56010007858276 USDT)
Quantity: 44.4599990844727 PSG (247.82 USDT)
Actual Price: 5.278 USDT (-5.31%)
ATH: 5.61700010299683 USDT (0.77%)
ATL: 5.57399988174438 USDT (0.00%)
Profit: -0.62 USDT (-0.62 USDT)

LEVERUSDT - (5 days ago) 2024-04-23 07:37:22 (0.80%)
Period: 1 hours
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-04-23 05:47:00 (0.003093000035733 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-04-23 07:37:22 (0.003117750165984 USDT)
Quantity: 80853 LEVER (250.08 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.003513 USDT (13.58%)
ATH: 0.003133000107482 USDT (1.29%)
ATL: 0.003020999953151 USDT (-2.33%)
Profit: 2 USDT (2 USDT)

WUSDT - (5 days ago) 2024-04-23 05:12:57 (0.54%)
Period: 9 minutes
Lever: 1x
Position: LONG
Entry Price: 2024-04-23 05:03:15 (0.651000022888184 USDT)
Close Price: 2024-04-23 05:12:57 (0.65449994802475 USDT)
Quantity: 384 W (249.98 USDT)
Actual Price: 0.592 USDT (-9.06%)
ATH: 0.657999992370605 USDT (1.08%)
ATL: 0.648999989032745 USDT (-0.31%)
Profit: 1.34 USDT (1.34 USDT)

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PNL Chart (realized)

1 Day:

7 days:

30 days:

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